Moon Cycle Seed Company was inspired by a need for women to understand the role that hormones play in the body. Founded by Sarah Avery, Doctor of Physical Therapy and professional yoga therapist, Mood Cycle Seed Company is based in nature, backed by science.
Dr. Avery says, "I am passionate about using food as medicine, so I consistently encourage others who struggle with women's health issues—like PMS and the transition from hormonal birth control—to consider natural methods. I'm the oldest of six sisters, so in addition to my extensive education, I have a wealth of life experience regarding how our bodies affect us every day as women in the world."
Seed cycling is a commonly used method to enhance your daily wellness routine and to restore the natural rhythm of these hormones. Moon Cycle Seed Company is here to guide you on the path to using incredible superfoods to enhance your well-being and enrich your life!